February 1 2018
The US Drought Monitor has issued a statement highlighting Severe Drought conditions for our region. Some areas have some soggy ground from recent snow melt, but overall the snow and rainfall has amounted to the 2nd driest on record in Baltimore and Washington. We have had plenty of colder this winter, but a lack of moisture in weather events. The rainfall deficit is listed below, but in terms of snowfall we are ahead of last winter but below normal as we enter February.
Baltimore Snow:
- This winter = 6.5″
- Last winter = 0.7″
- Normal to date = 10.2″
The good news is that our snowiest month is February (8 inch average) and records show we normally get an additional 10 inches of snow for the winter from this point forward. So there is hope. FITF
Rainfall Deficit
Timeframe Total Departure Ranking
January 2018 0.96 inch -2.09 inches 5th driest
Dec 01 - Jan 31 1.91 inches -4.51 inches 2nd driest
Nov 01 - Jan 31 4.06 inches -5.66 inches 4th driest
Aug 01 - Jan 31 13.60 inches -6.77 inches 10th driest
2/2017 - 1/2018 36.55 inches -5.33 inches 28th driest
2/2016 - 1/2018 76.26 inches -7.50 inches N/A
According to NOAA: Soil moisture remains below normal roughly south of Interstate 70. The worst conditions remain in the I-95 corridor between BWI and Fredericksburg, centered on Washington DC. Modeled estimates of soil moisture depict an area near the Potomac River south of DC that is below the 2nd percentile for soil moisture.
Timeframe Total Departure Ranking
January 2018 0.94 inch -1.87 inches 4th driest
Dec 01 - Jan 31 1.44 inches -4.42 inches 2nd driest
Nov 01 - Jan 31 3.44 inches -5.59 inches 2nd driest
Aug 01 - Jan 31 11.47 inches -7.61 inches 6th driest
2/2017 - 1/2018 33.79 inches -5.95 inches 22nd driest
2/2016 - 1/2018 65.56 inches -13.92 inches N/A
Drought Watch
State and Local Declarations:
A Drought Watch has also been declared by the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) for its Western and Central regions, which include Allegany, Washington, Frederick, Carroll, and Harford Counties, as well as portions of Montgomery, Howard, and Baltimore Counties that are not serviced by WSSC or Baltimore City water systems. A Drought Watch has been declared by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) for all of northern Virginia, except for King George County, Highland County, and communities whose water supplies come from the Potomac River or Occoquan Reservoir.
The weather outlook for the next two weeks remains colder and more stormy. This may help to make a dent in the ground water before the growing season. Stay tuned…
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Twitter: @JustinWeather
Instagram: justinweather
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May The Flakes Be With You- Limited Edition Shirt
A Portion of the proceeds will go to Integrated Wellness programs for Pediatric Oncology Patients

Snowstix- We Need You To Measure Snow Too
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Also See:
My Winter Outlook 2017-2018 for more snow
La Nina Formed: What it could mean to our winter
NOAA Winter Outlook: Not The Best But Not The Worst For Snow
Two Farmers Almanacs Winter 2018 Outlooks
Winter Weather Folkore: Suggestions from Animals and Crops
First Frost and Freeze Dates For Maryland (southern PA and northern VA)
My Preliminary Winter Outlook Notes
Low Snow Winters In Baltimore: To Repeat Or Not Repeat
NOAA Ranks Blizzard 2016 4th Worst Snowstorm On Record
Blizzard 2016 Record Top Snowstorm: Area Totals
Extreme Weather of 2015 balanced out on both ends