8 AM Monday October 9

The heaviest of the rain is now on our region. The remains of Nate are passing to our northwest keeping us on the warm and windy side.  The heaviest batch of rain will move away this morning, but we will have some lingering showers and maybe a thunderstorm this afternoon. Winds are sustained at 20 mph, but gusts can still reach 40 mph. The forward speed is an amazing 60 mph to the northeast. So, this is a quick moving system but the overall pattern is a fast mover. We will get another round of beneficial rain mid week. More on that below.

Temps remain warm and muggy, but it was Sunday that produced a record warm low temperature. As I mentioned yesterday, the coolest temperature measured at Baltimore’w BWI was 74ºF, which is 5 degrees warmer than the normal high.  That was the warmest low temperature on October 8th since 1922. The warmest low temperature for the month of October was 77ºF on October 6 in 1941.  Nearby airports in Washington also set records.

Post Tropical Storm Nate

Morning Winds: I circled the latest reports with gusts over 20 mph

Winds will remain gusty through noon, but ease this afternoon

—> slider: Simulated Radar Rain Timeline

[metaslider id=53660]


Warm again today…


Outlook: Animation

A snowstorm in Colorado will help send another round of rain on Wednesday. Showers will linger Thursday and Friday.


Temperature Outlook

We will cool down after the rain on Wednesday, but warm again over the weekend. The next cool down and Autumn Rollercoaster will be next week,.

Get the award winning Kid Weather App I made with my oldest son and support our love for science, weather, and technology. Our 3 year anniversary of the release and our contribution to STEM education is this November. It has been downloaded in 60 countries, and works in both temperature scales. With your support we can expand on the fun introduction to science and real weather.


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Trust in this Bust- Limited Edition Shirt

This is not a forecast, but a fundraiser for breast cancer research at BCRF- the highest rated cancer research charity. This soft Bella T-Shirt is to promote the strength of the ‘good bust’ and the heart that beats strong beneath it. Proceeds will be donated in honor of my mother Linda Berk, a 3-time breast cancer survivor. Click on the shirt image to join us.

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