May 24 2016 – Nice Shelfie! With 19 days of rain this month, something had to give to get spring back in here. The eruption of storms on Monday afternoon may have done just that with an impressive display of lighting and hail in some spots. Many more did get to witness the shelf cloud that often develops ahead of a strong storm. What was unique was that this arrived from the east in the afternoon, so in some cases was able to be lit by the sun in the western sky. Here are the top photos I was sent from across the area… they are only grouped in alphabetical order of location. Elkton saw quite a show with 6 photos making the list here.
Before the shelfies, I have two things I need to share. First… here is an ominous view over Baltimore from Pam Ford. I know this looks like a funnel, but I think it is a S.C.U.D. cloud (scattered cumulus under deck)
Incredible Hail Video! A follow up to my prior post on the hail storm that hit York County, PA- here is how impressive it was in Red Lion (just outside of York)
More Hail pics and video in this post: Hail Yes! Storm Struck Southern PA
The Shelfies

Please share your thoughts, best weather pics/video, or just keep in touch via social media
- Facebook: Justin Berk, Meteorologist
- Twitter: @JustinWeather
- Instagram: justinweather
Get the award winning Kid Weather App I made with my oldest son and support our love for science, weather, and technology. Our 3 year anniversary of the release and our contribution to STEM education is this November. It has been downloaded in 60 countries, and works in both temperature scales. With your support we can expand on the fun introduction to science and real weather.
Faith in the Flowers- For Save A Limb Fund
Help me support 16 year old Lexi Hack’s fundraiser to give back to the program that is helping fix her legs. These shirts (baseball T comes with red or black sleeves) and eco-friendly Tote Bag come with a bracelet to help raise money for Save A Limb Fund.