October 1 2018

It may sound hard to believe, but after a dry weekend with some of the best weather in months, we start October with a warm trend.  We may have some thunderstorms Tuesday evening and towards the weekend. But overall the pattern has us warm and mostly dry for the next two weeks. Below is a look at the spread of extreme weather we can get during this month in Baltimore. There is nothing a hint of late summer and early winter.

This may be something for everyone. We get a chance to dry out the soil and perhaps a bone tossed for those that want a snowy winter. I did a little research on wet summers and one thing stood out with relation to how much snow we can get in the following winter. We had over 9 inches of rain in September which puts us close to an average fall. The rest of the season needs a drying trend to increase the likelihood of a snowy winter. Here is the breakdown:

Will A Wet Summer Bring A Snowy Winter?


Local Weather Stats For October 1 in Baltimore

Average High:  72ºF

Record High: 91ºF in 1941

Average  Low: 51ºF

Record Low:  39ºF in 1966

Sunrise: 7:02 AM

Sunset 6:48 PM 

*Daylight = 2:32 shorter than yesterday 

*Bay Water Temperature = 71ºF at Thomas Pt. Light House 


October Month Extremes

Record 3-Day Heat Wave

Oct 5 1941 = 97ºF *Hottest

Oct 6 1941 = 95ºF

Oct 6 1941 = 96ºF



Oct 31 in 1946 = 25ºF


Earliest Snow FITF

Oct 10 1979 = 0.3″


Most Snow FITF

Oct 19-20 1940 = 1.3″

Oct 30 1925 = 2.4″



Oct 1 = 11 hrs 46 min 29 sec

Oct 31 = 10 hrs 23 min 9 sec

We will lose sunlight = 1 hour 23 min 20 sec


Also see:

Winter Outlook From Two Different Farmers Almanacs


October 1 Weather

Morning Temperatures 


Satellite Loop

While mostly clear, look at the last few frames.  The stripes represent a few contrails showing up across southern PA.


Afternoon Highs

Tuesday Highs

Tuesday Storms

There is a small chance of a brief thundershower between 5 and 8 PM


Rain Animation

Jet Stream Animation

Orange/Red = Warm

Blue = Colder


Temperature Outlook


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Love Maryland Shirt Designed By Jaiden

This shirt was designed by my ‘bonus’ daughter Jaiden. All proceeds will go to Just In Power Kids and free holistic therapy for kids in and post cancer treatment.


Order Here

Show your love for Maryland and make this 14 year old artist extra proud







Partner With Us. My wife Shannon and I started this non profit Just In Power Kids. We are building a network of Integrated Wellness Practitioners plus funds for kids in and post cancer treatment to get free sessions.


Get the award winning Kid Weather App I made with my oldest son and support our love for science, weather, and technology. Our 3 year anniversary of the release and our contribution to STEM education is this November. It has been downloaded in 60 countries, and works in both temperature scales. With your support we can expand on the fun introduction to science and real weather.