Saturday March 25 – Temperatures are noticeably warmer, but we have clouds to deal with as well. Friday’s high temperature at BWI was 61ºF just before midnight. Today, many will jump into the 70s, but it will not be the prettiest day. A large storm system is dominating the nation and we are in one transition zone. While severe storms will break out in the south, there is still winter on the north side. A boundary near the Maryland/Pennsylvania line will develop showers as a push of colder air slides out of Canada. That will change our luck Sunday with an east wind along with showers and drizzle.  So, 70s to 50s, then the warm air fights back with rain chances into next week.

Heres’ a quick look

High Temperatures Today

–> slider Radar Simulation Today

[metaslider id=45849]

–> slider Storm Track

[metaslider id=45850]


Tuesday: Stormy Day

Temperature Outlook


Get the award winning Kid Weather App I made with my oldest son and support our love for science, weather, and technology. Our 3 year anniversary of the release and our contribution to STEM education is this November. It has been downloaded in 60 countries, and works in both temperature scales. With your support we can expand on the fun introduction to science and real weather.

Please share your thoughts, best weather pics/video, or just keep in touch via social media

Faith in the Flakes

The store is closing for the season. Next week we wil be shifting back to spring mode. This will include a severe weather STEM assembly program.