SharkStreetOCMDLook what was spotted in a neighborhood intersection this week! Flood water in parts of West Ocean City MD were deep enough for this creature to roam. After close inspection, it appears to be the fin of a shark.  Charlotte Sampson shared this video saying, “Great White Shark sighting in West Ocean City neighborhood…Be careful where you drive!” Well after the the strong coastal storm worked with Hurricane Joaquin to pump water onshore for nearly a week, something was bound to pop up. Or in this case, swim by.

Is it real?  This video looks legit, but there have been remote controlled fins/toys in the past. I welcome any local or professional opinions.

Insert you caption…. I’ve seen everything from “ticket that shark for running a stop sign”, to “it’s a little early for Halloween kid”.  I know many use humor to deal with tragedy. The damage and flooding are no laughing matter for property owners. We were lucky the storm wasn’t worst for us, but still bad enough. This is flooding from from the bay side after the storm departed. It is a good demonstration that high water can be left behind and slow to drain. That is the problem South Carolina is dealing with after over 2 feet of rain fell from the storm and could still rise water levels flowing towards the coast. There was over 4 inches of rain, waves on the ocean-side did crest 10 to 15 feet, while winds whipped over 50 mph during the height of the storm.  See more storm videos and photos below.

*See Follow Up: National Aquarium and Charlotte Sampson chime in


Storm Media In And Around Ocean City, MD

PierLauraSeigelBest Waves From Local Photographers

Video From Ocean City and Delaware

Saturday Storm Photos And Kayaking In Streets Of Ocean City

Sunday Surge: 3 Videos and 3 Photos– Surf Flooding And Sand Left Behind

Top 10 photos early on


Please share your thoughts, best weather pics/video, or just keep in touch via social media

Chip KidWxDevicesGet the award winning Kid Weather App I made with my oldest son and support our love for science, weather, and technology. Our 3 year anniversary of the release and our contribution to STEM education is this November. It has been downloaded in 60 countries, and works in both temperature scales. With your support we can expand on the fun introduction to science and real weather.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]